15000 Russia Scholarship for 2023-2024 (No language certificate required ) Scholarship

Russian Government
  • Accepting applications 2023-11-09
  • Posted:

Opportunity Detail

  • Languages Requirement Not required
  • Funding Type Partially Funded
  • Eligible Region/Countries all countries include Afghanistan
  • Duration different
  • Opportunity ID 29
  • Level Bachelor
  • Gender Male Female
  • Published Date 2023-Aug-29
  • Medium of Instruction English Russian
  • #
    Number Of Opportunity 15000

Opportunity Description

The Russian Federal state scholarship is one of the best free study opportunities, which is provided by the Ministry of Higher Education of the Russian Federal Government every year, with numbers of 15,000 free scholarships available to those interested in studying in Russia for various fields of study at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels.

Opportunities Details
Opportunities: 15000
Opportunity name: Russian Federal Scholarship
Russian Government Scholarship Registration Requirements
1.      Passport scan (with at least 1.5 years of validity)
2.      Two letters of recommendation in English (for master's degree and doctorate)
3.      Certificate of Russian or English language (optional)
4.      Scan of the latest educational certificate with transcripts
5.      Published articles (optional)
6.      Commendation certificate or certificate of honor in various sports, cultural and etc.
Note: Required documents for the second stage: If you are accepted in the first stage, in addition to the documents sent in the first stage, the following documents will be required, all of which must be officially translated into Russian.
1.      Passing result in the first stage
2.      Certificate Test (Prove HIV Certificate)
3.      Medical Certificate
Fields of Study
This scholarship will covers all fields of study such as the blow list
1.      Mathematic and Mechanics
2.      Information and Computer science
3.      Physics and Astronomy
4.      Chemistry
5.      Earth Science
6.      Biological Science
7.      Architecture
8.      Construction Method and Technology
9.      Informatics and computer engineering
10.  Information Security
11.  Electronics, Radio Engineering and communicate system
12.  Phonetics, instrumentation, Optical, and Bio Technical System and Technology
13.  Electricity and Heat power Engineering
14.  Nuclear Power and technology
15.  Mechanical Engineering
16.  Physical and engineering technology
17.  Weapons and weapons system
18.  Chemical Technology
19.  Industrial ecology and biotechnology
20.  Techno sphere and Environmental Engineering
21.  Applied Geology, miming, petroleum engineering and geodesy
22.  Material Technology
23.  Land transport engineering and technology
24.  Aviation and Rocket Space technology
25.  Air Navigation and Operation Aircraft and Rocket Space equipment
26.  Engineering and technology of shipbuilding and water transport
27.  Management in engineering system
28.  Nanotechnology and nanomaterials
29.  Light Industry technologies
30.  Fundamental Medicine
31.  Clinical Medicine
32.  Health Science and preventive Medicine
33.  Pharmacy
34.  Nursing
35.  Agriculture, forestry and fishers
36.  Veterinary Science and zootechnics
37.  Psychological Science  
38.  Economics and Management
39.  Sociology and Social Work
40.  Jurisprudence
41.  Political Science and Regional Studies
42.  Mass media and information Library Science
43.  Services and Tourism
44.  Education and Pedagogical Science
45.  Linguistic and literary Studies
46.  History and Archelogy
47.  Philosophy, Ethics, and Religious Study
48.  Theology
49.  Physical education and science
50.  Arts Studies
51.  Cultural Studies and Sociocultural Project
52.  Performing Arts and Creative Writing
53.  Music’s
54.  Fine and applied Arts
55.  Screen arts
56.  Military Administration
57.  Asian and African Studies  
Eligible countries: Citizens of all countries except Russia

Provider University: This scholarship can be registered in 502 Russian universities each candidate can apply for a course in up to 6 different universities
Russian government scholarship benefits
1.      Holding a Russian language course for free
2.      Monthly salary of about 2000 rubles
3.      Government dormitory
4.      Full coverage of university tuition
How to Apply for 15000 Russian free Scholarship
Those who interested to apply for Russian free scholarship can submitted their application online from the blow link, Click on Apply Now
Apply Now 


Russian Government

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