Opportunity Detail
Opportunity Description
King Saud University of Saudi Arabia offers full-fund
scholarships for students from all over the world in various fields of study.
This scholarship is offered for bachelor’s degrees. Almost all academic courses
including science, engineering, humanities, arts, information technology,
business management, computer engineering and science courses are offered in
this scholarship.
Scholarship Details
Country: Saudi Arabia
University: King Saud University
Level of study: Bachelor
Fields of study: Different
Application deadline: 28, September 2024
Documents requirement
1. Valid passport or Identity card
2. Shahadadnama or high school degree
3. Personal photo
4. Good Conduct Certificate
5. Scholarship application form
Ineligible applicant
Applicant must be medically
The candidate age must be
between “17-25”
The duration of obtaining
secondary school must not more than five years
Eligible Candidate
1. The applicant must have completed
high school or have an equivalent degree, and the overall grade must be at
least very good.
2. The
maximum duration after completing high school should be five years or less.
3. The
applicant must be between the ages of 17 and 25 to be eligible
4. The
applicant must obtain approval from their home country's government to study in
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia if their country requires it.
5. The
applicant cannot have previously received a scholarship from a university or
educational institution in Saudi Arabia.
Certificates and documents must be authenticated by the competent authorities
determined by the university.
7. The
applicant must provide a certificate of good conduct from the security
authorities in his country.
8. The
applicant must be medically fit, able to fulfill the study program's criteria
and pass the medical examination as specified by the rules and guidelines.
9. If
nominated for admission to any track of the common first-year or bachelor's
degree program, the non-Arabic-speaking applicant will be admitted to the
Diploma Program for Proficiency in the Arabic Language. Then, after passing the
diploma program, the applicant will be accepted into the original bachelor's
Scholarship benefit
Tuition fee
Monthly stipend
Travel cost
Paying visa fee
How to Apply
Regarding how to get the scholarship
of Saudi Arabia 2024, it should be explained that the eligible people should
complete the online forms and wait for the response of the university.

King Saud University
Application End
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Government Kazakhstan
2024-12-31Result of 550 Kazakhstan International Scholarship Announced