Online English free Courses Online Courses

George Institute of Technology
  • Accepting applications 2024-12-31
  • Posted:

Opportunity Detail

  • Languages Requirement Not required
  • Funding Type Full Funded
  • Eligible Region/Countries all contries
  • Duration 16 Hours
  • Opportunity ID 118
  • Level School
  • Gender Male Female
  • Published Date 2024-Jul-28
  • Medium of Instruction English
  • #
    Number Of Opportunity 0

Opportunity Description

Learning English is one of the skills needed in today's world. There are many resources and ways to learn English, including face-to-face classes, websites, applications, videos, etc. But how can you learn English? Is there a way to learn English for free? Do you need to pay to learn English? The answer is negative. In fact, with so many free English language resources available, you can learn English without spending a fortune.
Learning any language opens the door to a new world. A world that makes the customs, culture, science and characteristics of the people who speak that language available to the learner. On the other hand, English has more than one and a half billion speakers around the world, more than one billion of whom have learned English as their second language. For this reason, learning English not only gives the learner the world of native English speakers, but also the world of those whose second language is English.
With the increase in the use of the Internet and social networks, English has become the common unofficial language of the world. English is not only the international language of communication and business, but also the language of media and entertainment of the people of the world. For this reason, the need to learn this language is increasing day by day.

Course Details
Approximately: 16 Hours
Institute: George Institute of Technology
By the end of this course you will:
Ø Change how you speak English
Ø Improve your pronunciation and fluency
Ø Increase your English vocabulary
Ø Identify how culture influences your speech
Ø Use culture to help you speak correctly
Ø Demonstrate the best body language for different cultural settings
Ø Know statements, questions and responses for different settings and situations
How to Apply
Interested candidate can apply online into this without any cost through the below link;


George Institute of Technology

Application End
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