Asian Development Bank Scholarship Scholarship

  • Accepting applications 2024-12-01
  • Posted:

Opportunity Detail

  • Languages Requirement Not required
  • Funding Type Full Funded
  • Eligible Region/Countries developing countries of Asia
  • Duration TOW YEARS
  • Opportunity ID 79
  • Level Master
  • Gender Male Female
  • Published Date 2024-Feb-11
  • Medium of Instruction English
  • #
    Number Of Opportunity 135

Opportunity Description

ADB-JSP provide fully fund scholarship for 40 developing countries including Afghanistan, and also offer about 135 graduate scholarship for academic years of 2024 in the different fields, such as business, economics, engineering, science and technology and other related fields.

Application Deadline is different for countries
Indicated deadline of application for each partner university is applicable all year round, students annually in academic institutions located in 9 countries within the Region. Upon completion of their study programs
1.      USA
2.      Thailand
3.      Pakistan
4.      India
5.      Hong Kong
6.      Philippine
7.      Japan
8.      Singapore   
Click here see the universities deadline
Major Fields of study;
Economics, Business and Management
1.      Accounting
2.      Business Administration
3.      Management
4.      Commerce
5.      E-Business
6.      Entrepreneurship
7.      Economics
8.      Finance
9.      International Cooperation
10.  Social Sciences
Development Studies
1.      Asia Pacific Studies
2.      Development Management
3.      Development Studies
Law and Public Policy
1.      International Business Law
2.      International Environmental Law
3.      Policy Studies
4.      Political Science
5.      Public Administration
6.      Public Policy
Science and Technology
1.      Agriculture
2.      Biological Science
3.      Computer Science, Energy
4.      Engineering
5.      Environment
6.      Forestry, Genetics
7.      Health
Benefit of ADB Scholarship
1.      The ADB provides
2.      Health insurance
3.      Travel expense
4.      Tuition fees
5.      Monthly assistance allowances
6.      Book and other materials
Eligibility for ADB Scholarship
1.      Applicant do not hold a dual citizen of developing country
2.      Be a national of an ADB borrowing member
3.      The applicant must take admission of an approved from designated institutions
4.      The applicant must have bachelor degree
5.      The candidate must have two years’ work experience
6.      The candidate must have proficiency in oral and in written English communications skills
7.      Maximum age 35
8.      not be staff of ADB–JSP Designated Institutions;
9.      not be living or working in a country other than his/her home country; and
10.  not be already enrolled in graduate degree programs
11.  be in good health;
  Application Procedure and Apply
1.      Applicant requests for information and application forms from the chosen partner institution
2.      Applicant completes required documents
3.      Applicant sends documents to institution
4.      Institution evaluates and decides on admission and applicant
5.      Institution sends shortlist of candidates to ADB
6.      ADB reviews submission from institutions
7.      ADB recommends awardees based on its selection criteria to the Japanese executive director for approval
8.      ADB selects scholars and informs institution
9.      Institution informs all scholars



Application End
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