Australia Humanitarian Visas for Afghanistan Residency Program

Australia Government
  • Accepting applications 2023-02-03
  • Posted:

Opportunity Detail

  • Languages Requirement Not required
  • Funding Type Full Funded
  • Eligible Region/Countries Afghanistan
  • Duration Perminent
  • Opportunity ID 26500
  • Level Non Degree
  • Gender Male Female
  • Published Date 2023-Jul-10
  • Medium of Instruction English
  • #
    Number Of Opportunity 2

Opportunity Description

The government of Australia has announced 26,500 dedicated visa slots to Afghans migrating to Australia by 2026 as part of the Offshore Humanitarian Programme. These sites, in addition to humanitarian program priorities including separated families and families with close ties to Australia, will be given priority to people outside of Afghanistan.

Who can applying for Australian humanitarian visa?

·         Authorized Locally Employed Employee (LEE) and their immediate family members (spouse and children under 18) 
·         Close relatives (spouse, children under 18) of refugee and humanitarian visa holders (Class XB). 
·         The refugees were referred for resettlement to Australia by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). 
·         Women and girls, minorities, LGBTQI+, and certain other minority groups 

Processing Humanitarian Visas
the ministry has taken various steps to process the application. These efforts recognize those most at risk and recognize the unique and extraordinary contributions made by individuals and their families to the Australian and coalition mission in Afghanistan.
Applications are generally confirmed in writing and processed as soon as possible according to the date of receipt. Processing times may vary depending on the applicant's particular circumstances, residency (domestic or international), travel ability, ability to submit documents or ability to communicate with Australian government officials. All visa applicants under the Humanitarian Program must meet both visa criteria and public interest criteria of character, safety and health before a visa can be granted to the individual. Australia's humanitarian resettlement program for Afghans is currently focused on neighboring Pakistan and Iran.
Australia will also consider the following Afghan applicants recommended by UNHCR:
with Indonesia
This is because the protracted and unstable situation in Afghanistan has severely limited the ministry's ability to process humanitarian visa applications in the country. Afghanistan does not have facilities to collect applicants' biometrics, conduct comprehensive visa interviews, or verify identities and civil documents.
Not a priority for Afghanistan's Retention Program to ensure timely resettlement is granted to those most in need, and to reduce uncertainty for those awaiting the outcome of their applications. Applications may also be submitted by Afghan Remain applicants. Even if you consider it, it will be rejected. Applicants who were previously rejected may apply again. However, repeated applications may yield the same results unless circumstances change or new information is available to support the application.
We will continue to closely monitor the situation in Afghanistan and recognize the special needs of vulnerable people. The Australian government has called on all those remaining in Afghanistan to put safety first. Those remaining in Afghanistan should carefully consider the risks of attempting to leave the country by any route. 
Contact Form Afghanistan
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Australia Government

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