DV Lottery 2024-2025 Residency Program

  • Accepting applications 2023-11-07
  • Posted:

Opportunity Detail

  • Languages Requirement Not required
  • Funding Type Full Funded
  • Eligible Region/Countries Afghanistan and other countries
  • Duration permanent
  • Opportunity ID 39
  • Level School
  • Gender Male Female
  • Published Date 2023-Oct-03
  • Medium of Instruction English
  • #
    Number Of Opportunity 55000

Opportunity Description

The American lottery, or the American green card lottery, is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to immigrate to America, which is held every year by the American government for citizens of different countries. US lottery registration gives you the chance to get the US green card by participating in a lottery. It should be noted that the US lottery registration does not have any special conditions and almost all people with a passport and the conditions to participate in you can register for the American lottery, which we will explain below.
The American green card is actually the permanent residence of the United States, the holder of which can live, work and study freely in this country like an American citizen. After receiving an American green card, a foreigner can travel to other countries like a citizen without any problems and return to the United States with the same card and travel to and from the United States without a visa

Benefit of the lottery of America
1.      As mentioned above, a person who has an American green card, like an American citizen, can use all the privileges provided by the American government for its citizens, which are as follows
2.      Permit to work in the United States: The American green card holder can work in the United States and have a private or government job after obtaining the relevant permits
3.      Inviting spouse and children to America: The US green card holder can invite her spouse or children under the age of 21 to America
4.      Having a national number: American green card holders enjoy the benefits of having a national number, this will be for people who have 10 years of work experience in the United States before retirement, along with retirement benefits.
5.      Applying for citizenship: US green card holders can usually apply for citizenship after 5 years
6.      The right to be a sponsor: the US green card holder can sponsor other people
7.      Having the right to study and receive scholarships: American green card holders as residents have the right to pay lower tuition fees for universities.
8.      Living in America: Although the holder of an American green card is considered a foreigner and is not an American, she can live in America (live permanently) and is under the protection of American laws and the American government
US lottery 2025 registration conditions
9.      Be at least 18 years old
10.  Have at least a diploma
11.  If you do not have a diploma, you must have at least 2 years of work experience
12.  Be born in one of the authorized countries
Note: Do not need a valid passport
US Lottery 2025 photo specifications
The photo sent to participate in the American lottery is very important, so most people lose their chances of acceptance simply because they do not meet the technical specifications of the lottery photo. In this section, we will explain the appearance and technical specifications of the lottery photo.
1.      The lottery photo must be square and 5 cm by 5 cm or 600 pixels by 600 pixels with a white background.
2.      The resolution of the lottery photo must be at least 300 dpi.
3.      Lottery photo format must be jpg.
4.      The maximum size of the lottery photo is 240 kilobytes (kb).
5.      The roundness of the face should be clear and not covered by anything.
6.      The lottery photo must be without glasses and hearing aids.
7.      You should not reuse the photo you used last year.
8.      The photo must be from the last six months. The age of the photo should not be more than 6 months
2025 US lottery registration time: Started from 4 October 2023 and will closing in 7 November 2023
Fees Condition
The registration of American lottery is completely free and a person can register for free by visiting the main site of the American lottery below the link.



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