Full Fund Scholarship of Stanford University in the USA for Master's and Doctoral Degrees in 2023-2024 Scholarship

Knight Hennessy Scholars Program
  • Accepting applications 2023-10-11
  • Posted:

Opportunity Detail

  • Languages Requirement TOFEL
  • Funding Type Full Funded
  • Eligible Region/Countries all countries include Afghanistan
  • Duration different
  • Opportunity ID 25
  • Level Master
  • Gender Male Female
  • Published Date 2023-Aug-13
  • Medium of Instruction English
  • #
    Number Of Opportunity 100

Opportunity Description

About the Scholarship

Stanford University in America has announced the awarding of 100 completely free scholarships under the title of Knight Hennessy Scholarship for those interested student in studying for free in the USA at the master's and doctoral levels.

Scholarship Details  
Application Deadline: October 11, 2023, 1:00pm Pacific Time
Location: America
Name of the Scholarship: Knight Hennessy Scholars Program
Number of opportunities: 100
University: Stanford University
Eligibility country: All countries
Level of Study:
1.       Master degree
2.       Doctoral degree
Benefit of the scholarship
The Knight Hennessy Scholars program covering the following cost
1.       Tuition fee of university
2.       Transportation
3.       Ticket of Air Plane
4.       Payment of allowance for living and education expenses like (Food/Meal, Book)
5.       And many other cost

Document Requirement
1.       The Candidate must provide the following document:
2.       Resume or CV
3.       Tow recommendation
4.       Application form of Stanford University
5.       Latest degree and transcripts
6.       Presenting a valid language certificate such as TOEFL or IELTS according to the chosen field.
7.       Having an admission from Stanford University in one of the below fields
        I.            Aeronautics and Astronautics
      II.            Design Impact
    III.            Bioengineering
    IV.            Electrical Engineering
      V.            Chemical Engineering
    VI.            Management Science and Engineering
  VII.            Civil and Environmental Engineering
VIII.            Materials Science and Engineering
    IX.            Computational and Mathematical Engineering
      X.            Mechanical Engineering
    XI.            Computer Science
  XII.            Anthropology
XIII.            Applied Physics
XIV.            Art History
  XV.            Art Practice
XVI.            Biology
XVII.            Biophysics
XVIII.            Chemistry
XIX.            Classics
  XX.            Communication
XXI.            Comparative Literature
XXII.            Documentary Film and Video
XXIII.            East Asian Languages and Cultures
XXIV.            East Asian Studies
XXV.            Economics
XXVI.            English
XXVII.            French
XXVIII.            French and Italian
XXIX.            German Studies
XXX.            History
XXXI.            Iberian and Latin American Cultures
XXXII.            International Policy
XXXIII.            Italian
XXXIV.            Latin American Studies
XXXV.            Linguistics
XXXVI.            Master of Liberal Arts
XXXVII.            Mathematics
XXXVIII.            Modern Thought and Literature
XXXIX.            Music
   XL.            Philosophy
 XLI.            Physics
XLII.            Political Science
XLIII.            Psychology
XLIV.            Public Policy
XLV.            Religious Studies
XLVI.            Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
XLVII.            Slavic Languages and Literature
XLVIII.            Sociology
XLIX.            Statistics
       L.            Symbolic Systems
     LI.            Theater and Performance Studies
   LII.            Earth System Science
 LIII.            Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources
 LIV.            Energy Resources Engineering
   LV.            Geological Sciences
 LVI.            Geophysics
LVII.            Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education (CTE)
LVIII.            Developmental and Psychological Sciences (DAPS)
 LIX.            Education Data Science
   LX.            International Comparative Education/ International Education Policy Analysis (ICE/IEPA)
 LXI.            Learning Design and Technology (LDT)
LXII.            Policy Organization and Leadership Studies (POLS)
LXIII.            Social Sciences, Humanities and Interdisciplinary Policy Studies in Education (SHIPS)
LXIV.            Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP)
LXV.            Biomedical Informatics
LXVI.            Biomedical Physics
LXVII.            Clinical Informatics Management
LXVIII.            Community Health and Prevention Research
LXIX.            Epidemiology and Clinical Research
LXX.            Health Policy
LXXI.            Human Genetics and Genetic Counseling
LXXII.            Laboratory Animal Science
LXXIII.            Medicine MD Program
LXXIV.            Physician Assistant Studies
LXXV.            Law
LXXVI.            Business
LXXVII.            Biochemistry
LXXVIII.            Biomedical Informatics
LXXIX.            Cancer Biology
LXXX.            Chemical and Systems Biology
LXXXI.            Developmental Biology
LXXXII.            Genetics
LXXXIII.            Immunology
LXXXIV.            Microbiology and Immunology
LXXXV.            Molecular and Cellular Physiology
LXXXVI.            Neurosciences
LXXXVII.            Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
LXXXVIII.            Structural Biology
8.       Answer the three question
        I.            How will your Knight-Hennessy Scholars experience prepare you to realize your immediate and long-term intentions? (250 word limit)
      II.            Please tell us when you: a) made someone particularly proud of you, b) were most challenged, and c) fell short of expectations. (150 word limit combined)
   III.        Please tell us eight improbable facts (things that are unlikely but true) about you. (150 word limit combined)
 Eligible people for scholarship registration
Applicants must have received their bachelor's degree after January 2017.
The applicant must have received admission in one of the above fields from Stanford University
Apply Now 


Knight Hennessy Scholars Program

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