Jobs announcement in Synergy Management Consultants Job

  • Accepting applications 2023-01-31
  • Posted:

Opportunity Detail

  • Languages Requirement Not required
  • Funding Type Full Funded
  • Eligible Region/Countries Afghanistan
  • Duration long, medium, short
  • Opportunity ID 69
  • Level Bachelor
  • Gender Male Female
  • Published Date 2023-Dec-27
  • Medium of Instruction Persian
  • #
    Number Of Opportunity 68

Opportunity Description

Synergy Management Consultants (SMC) is an Afghan-owned and operated consulting company registered with the Central Business Register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. 20036/Permit number D-34423 is registered. Our aim is to contribute to the development of Afghanistan's private, public and national development sectors by providing high quality, professional, contextual and result-oriented services.
The purpose of the state and district resume call is to update the SMC consultant pool database, attract top talent from remote parts of the state and district to gain experience, connect with new opportunities and job markets, and promote projects and programs. It is to let. All over Afghanistan. SMC aims to attract and recruit potential personnel to engage in research, data collection, surveys, evaluation, baseline and final studies at provincial and district levels in the above areas in Afghanistan. Additionally, we are looking for specialized trainers and consultants in the fields of agriculture, education, health and nutrition, livelihoods, food security, protection, WASH, and climate change in Afghanistan to support SMC's current and future projects and programs. Opportunities are available for short, medium and long term as well as part-time or full-time. Applicants must have a degree in the field listed above.

Job details
No of Jobs: 68
Vacancy Number: SMC 01/2024 – Afghanistan
Closing date: 31/01/2024
Location: Kabul,Herat, Nimruz, Ghor, Ghazni, Jalal Abad, Kandahar, Bamiyan, Miadan Wardak, Sar-e-pol, Paktia, paktika, Panjsher, khust, Helmand, Diakundi, balkh, Jawzjan, Badakhshan, Kunar, Nangarhar, Urozgan, Zabul, Baghlan, Laghman, logar, Faryab, Nuristan, Parwan, Samangan, Takhar, Farah, Padghis, Kapisa
Work Experience: at least 1-3 years
Job Responsibilities
        I.            Training can be conducted for communities and target groups.
      II.            Data and information can be digitized and entered into a designated database.
    III.            Able to conduct site visits, meet with authorities, manage differences and conflicts, and resolve issues at district and community level.
    IV.            Ability to collect necessary and required data from target recipients and communities under the guidance of the Field Coordinator.
      V.            Able to communicate effectively and effectively with local communities and people in the Afghan context.
    VI.            You can create reports in specific formats and translate documents from local languages ​​(Dari and Pashto) to English or from English to local languages.
1.      Applicant must have good communication skills
2.      Applicant must have the ability to work under the pressure
3.      Applicant must able to speak Dari and Pashto fluently
4.      Applicant must know the tradition and culture of that area
5.      Computer skill: MS Office, Email, Outlook
Job Requirement
        I.            The candidate must have at least bachelor degree in the relevant fields, such is, Education, Agriculture, Social Sciences, Economic, Health and Nutrition, Livelihood and Food Security, WASH, MEAL, Business Development or a related discipline. 
      II.            The applicant must have an excellent strategic planning
    III.            Have excellent computer skills
How to Apply
    IV.            Prepared your Update CV
      V.            Send your CV before closing date
    VI.            The candidate must indicate their current address, province, district and also vacancy number, for example (Kabul, Bagrami 34/2024 – Kabul) otherwise your application can not be considered.
  VII.            successful candidate will be conducted by Synergy Management Consultants
Submission Email  



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