Utrecht Excellence Scholarships for Non- European Countries Scholarship

Utrecht Excellence Scholarships
  • Accepting applications 2023-02-01
  • Posted:

Opportunity Detail

  • Languages Requirement TOFEL
    Duo lingo
  • Funding Type Full Funded
  • Eligible Region/Countries Non EU/EEA
  • Duration NOT MENTIONED
  • Opportunity ID 68
  • Level Master
  • Gender Male Female
  • Published Date 2023-Dec-27
  • Medium of Instruction English
  • #
    Number Of Opportunity 88

Opportunity Description

About Utrecht Excellence Scholarships
UES is a competitive and a high selective scholarship for international talented Student from outside of European countries, those applicants to wish study in Utrecht University.

Benefit of the Utrecht Scholarship
The Utrecht Excellence scholarship can be awarded as:
1.      Full University tuition fee
2.      Income support for one years
3.      The scholarship can be renewed for second years
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for a Utrecht Excellence Scholarship, you must meet the following criteria:
1.      You must not take the passport of EU/EEA.
2.      You must completed your bachelor degree outside of the Netherlands
3.      Not be eligible for support under the Dutch study grant and loan system.
Application deadline: the perspective students must applied before 1st, January 2024
Selection Criteria
Eligible applicant will be selected for the following criteria
        I.            Prove to be the 10 top of graduating classes
      II.            Must have the motivation letter for master programmes
    III.            Academic quality and promise in the proposed field of study, as evidenced by your master’s application
How to Apply
You can submit your application from online portal, you will see the UES application(s) in your OSIRIS Online Application account dashboard. Click to the programmes you wish to apply for, upload the requested proof of belonging to the top 10% of your class, answer the questions and submit the application.

Apply Now


Utrecht Excellence Scholarships

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