World Food Programme Internship Internship

  • Accepting applications 2023-02-01
  • Posted:

Opportunity Detail

  • Languages Requirement Not required
  • Funding Type Full Funded
  • Eligible Region/Countries many countries
  • Duration 2 or 8 Months
  • Opportunity ID 54
  • Level Bachelor
  • Gender Male Female
  • Published Date 2023-Nov-07
  • Medium of Instruction English
  • #
    Number Of Opportunity 400

Opportunity Description

Those students who want to increase their job experience apply for the world programme, the WFP is looking for motivated, enthusiastic and talented student from around the world.
An internship at the WFP is a wonderful opportunities to get a practical work experience while contributing the goal of reaching on high level of experience.

Who is eligible for the WFP?
        I.            Must enroll in the recognizable university or graduated in last six month
      II.            Must pass 2 years of undergraduate studies
    III.            Must be a motivated and talented person
    IV.            Must know English language or other UN language
      V.            Must be interested in learning of humanitarian sector
University record
When you select for an internship with WFP, please prepare your academic diploma and transcript
The duration of the WFB internship last be tow or eight month
The WFP will paid monthly stipend one thousand dollar    
When you want to start your internship with WFP, you must prepared your health insurance
Travel, accommodation and Visa
You will be responsible for paying your travel ticket cost and dormitory, WFP paying the cost of those who are coming from developing countries. Is is the candidate responsibilities to organize a visa for your internship and also related expense.
Apply Now



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